Goals, Personal

Goals for 2013

Goals for 2013

Oh my gosh! Where did 2012 go! I swear it was just Jan. 1, 2012 a little while ago. Time just seems to fly and I don’t seem to get anything done. So since we are here with a new year, I went back and looked at the goals I wrote for 2012. I hate to say it but I didn’t compete all of them. Actually I forgot I wrote them down at all so I suppose I didn’t do too bad.! Below are the goals and how well (or not so well) I did: Continue reading “Goals for 2013”

Goals, Personal

Welcome 2012

2012 is here! When I was a kid I never even imagined what it would be like to live in the 21st century. It seemed like such a long time into the future. However, I did think that we would be living on the moon and robots would be doing all the work and cars would be able to fly. We’re not quite there yet are we? Of course, I’m sitting here listening to a music channel on my HDTV with my laptop, my smartphone beside me, and my iPad on the counter – things that did not exist when I was a kid.

I don’t make resolutions because I never keep them but I do make goals for myself. I don’t always reach those goals either because I never tell anyone what they are and have no accountability for them. So this year I am publishing them and will write about my progress throughout the year.

  1. Read the bible. I have The Daily Bible and have started reading but never finish get to the New Testament.   I’ve read most of the books in the Bible and studied many of them but I’ve never read it cover to cover and want to do that.
  2. Read two books a month. That doesn’t sound like much to me. I love to read and can read at least two books a week during the summer. Unfortunately I don’t read as much during the school year, when I’m working. For January, I plan to read Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. I’ve signed up for the book study on Melissa Taylor’s blog. I’m also going to finish A Simple Amish Christmas by Vannetta Chapman. I started it last week and am on chapter five so I think I can count that as a January book.
  3. Prepare at least three meals a week. I am so tired when I get home from work that I usually just wind up making a sandwich, I love peanut butter and honey, making popcorn, or eating junk food. I collect cookbooks and recipes and really want to use some of them.
  4. Make at least one craft a month. I love to make all sorts of things from scrapbooking to knitting to sewing. Again I’m so tired during the school year that I don’t do anything. I want to be productive and crafty.
  5. My last goal is to get organized. I tend to save everything and never have a place for it. You can tell which are my areas of the house and which are my husband’s. His area is neat and tidy and mine is messy and cluttered. I plan to work on one room a month. I’d like to start with my bedroom and closet but will probably start with the office. My husband would appreciate that more. The office has also gotten out of hand. I feel tensed and stressed every time I walk in there. I have stuff all over my desk, in the bookcase, on the floor and stuffed into the closet. Most of it I want to keep but need to have a place for it.

So those are my goals. In order to complete them, I’m going to have to get out of my chair and off the computer. I’m hoping that by meeting these goals, I’ll also feel better. I have Fibromyalgia and I know just sitting here is not doing anything to make it better. I’ve enjoyed the Christmas break because I have been cooking, reading, and crafting. I’ve also been exhausted most of the time and been in so much pain on some days that I didn’t want to move but by doing something, it has been a good break. I’d like to continue that throughout the year.

Family, Personal

Wadda week it was!

The weather was great here last week…at least that’s what I heard. I was sick and missed most of it. It started the weekend before when we kept Bunny overnight while my daughter and Frog moved. Bunny’s nose was running like a fresh water stream and me, being me, caught it quicker than a trout after a fly. So I spent the week coughing, blowing, and feeling all over miserable. Until Thursday night – when I was overcome by only the Lord knows what. I think it was a touch of intestinal flu. Whatever it was, it kicked my bohinkus big time! I didn’t start feeling human again until Sunday. Hubby has been sleeping in the guest room. He said he tried to sleep in our room last night but I was coughing so much he couldn’t get to sleep. I thought I slept better than I had been, didn’t know I was trying to cough up a lung in my sleep. Bunny and I are headed to OK this weekend to visit my mom and sister. Hopefully we are both up to par by then.

I did get crafty over the weekend. I spent Sunday browsing the blogs I read and came across these. I haven’t had a chance to take a pic so have nothing to show but will post them soon. I decided to make the cards into magnets and thought I’d put them on the cabinet in my classroom at the door. That way I can see it and my students can as well. Unfortunately I ran out of the magnet laminating adhesive for my Xyron. I’ve sent an order off for more and will finish once it comes in.

So until then, I’m off to bed to cough my way through the night! See ya!

Family, Personal

What did you do today?

I made a bulletin board at work today. Not great, as I just slapped stuff up on the board, but it was something I accomplished today. Other than that, I was not creative.

I was supposed to take Bunny (my granddaughter) to dance class today but she was a little sicky. Mom and dad took her to the doctor and she’s just getting over a cold but they said to keep an eye out in case it develops into a sinus infection. She was sleeping when I called to pick her up so we decided to just let her sleep.

Bunny’s dance class is for 2-3 yr. olds. Bunny is 2 as of last November and you can tell a difference between the 2 & 3 yr. olds. Bunny doesn’t really participate, she does what she likes and decides when she is finished. I don’t think we’ve ever stayed for an entire session. There comes a time when she says “I done.” and she means I done. I don’t mind, I just want her to have fun and to be around other kids her age.

She is coming over tomorrow to visit grandma and grandpa so I’m happy. We color, watch Dora, her all time favorite, and I think I’m going to come up with some other activity to do. She loves the magnetic nativity characters I made at Christmas and still plays with them. Maybe I’ll make something for Valentine’s Day.

Well, that’s what I did. So what did you do today?