
Preschool Graduation

My granddaughter had her preschool graduation last night. There were seven graduating preschoolers and they were so cute in their little caps & gowns! They walked down the aisle to their seats and were so excited. The kids did a very good job.

The program was cute. They sang songs they learned this year, such as the Alphabet Song, Months of the Year and Fun in Preschool. Each student received a diploma and large bottle of bubbles. The kids were also supposed to each receive a balloon but one balloon spontaneously exploded popped so the balloons were used to decorate the classroom instead. The lead teacher said that in her 13 years of preschool graduations, this is the 1st time a balloon popped.

Each graduate gave their mom a yellow rose and at the end, they yelled, “Kindergarten here we come!” Then it was time for pictures and cake. I’m sure the kids thought the cake was the best part!

Preschool graduation
Looking to the future

What’s for Supper?

One of the things I’ve vowed to do it plan meals! I’m trying to lose weight and have been on Weight Watchers for a while now. I haven’t been losing like I want and the main reason is because I have not been planning! If I don’t plan it, I don’t do it. Below is what I’m planning to eat this week.

What's for Supper?Breakfast

My breakfast is pretty predictable. I may mix it up once in a while but it’s usually the same ‘ole stuff.


During the school year, my lunches consist of leftovers or a WW Smart Ones, fruit and/or veggies, Yoplait Greek 100 yogurt (love this stuff!) and a Diet Dr. Pepper or iced tea.

Supper I’m only planning 4 meals because I’m off to Oklahoma for the weekend and I’m sure my husband will make pizza one night this week.

  • Whole wheat pasta with jarred spaghetti sauce, salad with balsamic vinegar and oil, broccoli, skim milk and fruit
  • Baked tilapia with lemon, salad, dinner roll, green beans and fruit
  • Low Fat Chicken Parmesan, salad, broccoli and skim milk
  • Chicken stir fry with brown rice, fruit and skim milk

So will I follow along with my menu plan? Guess I’ll know for sure at the end of the week!


It’s Been More Than One Year!

That’s how long it’s been since I last posted. I would like to say that school starts and I get too busy with lesson planning, grading, and all the work that comes with teaching. That would not be true though. There are many nights and weekends that I just sit on the couch and watch TV when I could be working on my blog.

I decided I need a written plan posted in plain sight so I get things done!! I’ve been busy working on a blog planner and will post what I use at a later time. I took ideas and pages from planners I found online so will be sure to credit those wonderful people who put in tons of work!

Right now I want to talk about what has been happening lately.

My biggest news is that I have a new granddaughter! She was born March 12 (I love even numbers), exactly 4 months after her sister’s 5th birthday. It is wonderful that they live in the same town as I do. I get to see them whenever I want!.

My Grandkids
My Grandkids


My oldest granddaughter is 5 now and just finished up with soccer. It’s the 1st time she has ever played any type of team sport and let’s just say soccer isn’t her forte. You know the kid who wanders aimlessly around, maybe picking dandelions off the field? That would be my granddaughter. I finally figure out how to get her to run with the others though. Have both grandmas at the game with cameras pointed towards her!

I will say she provided lots of comic relief. She came running around the field one time and as she ran past us, she yelled “Dad I have to potty!” and just kept running towards the bathroom. Then there was the game that she was running down the field and decided she was tired so she laid down! There were several times she was standing on the field as the ball flew past her. Of course she was looking at the clouds or facing the other direction at the time so it’s no wonder she didn’t see the ball.

She did get some kicks in though and had some good plays. However a couple of times, she kicked the ball and her shoe flew farther than the ball.  She was on a roll one game and was running the ball down the field with the ball. She was far ahead of the other girls…because the ref blew the whistle. Finally before she got to the goal, she realized what was going on. She didn’t care though, she’s only 5 after all. She had some fun, which at 5 is the main goal but said she didn’t like playing. Her last game was yesterday and all the girls got a small trophy with their name and number and the team name on it. As we were driving back to her house, she happily exclaimed, “I can’t wait to play next year!” We’ll see kid, we’ll see.

She is enrolled in T-ball. Grandpa bought her a glove, ball and t-ball post. She spent Friday night with us and played t-ball for almost 2 hours, then woke up on Saturday wanting to play. I think she may like that a little better than soccer.